The beginning of a new year is the perfect moment to plan and start new things.
Why not learn Spanish with you children!
For tips on how to get started read our new blog post!
Let me know how you get on!
The beginning of a new year is the perfect moment to plan and start new things.
Why not learn Spanish with you children!
For tips on how to get started read our new blog post!
Let me know how you get on!
You learned a language at school, you loved playing around with the different sounds in your mouth, a bit like chewing gum:
“Bonjour mon ami” pursing your lips, bringing the ‘r’ down to your throat, giving your hair a flick in real French Style.
“venga chicos!!” doing a bit of an Ole move at the end. “Andiamo signori! La stracciatella é molto buona ” hands flying in the air, singing your sentence in bouncy tones.
“Guten Tag, Ich heisse Frau Merkel” getting all serious reporting for duty.
Well, it was fun, wasn’t it? It is like playing a part in a play, or becoming someone different for bit, it was a bit of a game.
Well, that’s it, why not keep playing?? Particularly if you have children and think it’s a good idea to start learning a language as young as possible. Continue reading →
Pregnant- are you due in April or May 2017?
Nutopia, a London based television production company, recently got in touch with me about an exciting new 12 part documentary television series about the science of babies.
The producers are looking for a wide range of families to be involved and are interested in families who intend to speak more than one language to their newborn, which is why they got in touch with Nanos Spanish.
One of the fascinating areas they will be exploring is the science behind how babies can learn more than one language from the moment they are born. I am keen to support anything that promotes the benefits of children learning languages and am therefore eager to help the producers in their quest to find expectant mums. Personally, I’m really interested to learn more about the science and the series will feature insight from experts around the world on language and other areas of baby development.
They are looking specifically for mums who are due to give birth in April and May 2017– if this is you or you know anyone who might be interested then please get in touch with Cammy from Nutopia-