When I first started designing my Nanos Spanish programme the two most important things that I needed to put across were: the importance of introducing languages at an early age and the positive effect that parents can have acting as “language speakers” role models to their children as well as facilitators of the language in extended contexts.
This is why we believe that our Nanos e-learning sections at our website will complement our classes.
A lot of the parents attending our Nanos Spanish classes are willing to speak a little Spanish to their children even when it is not their native language or they are learning themselves, I can assure you, your efforts will be so worth it.
The benefits of learning another language are multiple and well researched but if I had to choose one I would say that if anything, learning a second language is a brain workout. “Learning and practising something, for instance a second language, strengthens the brain,” said Ping Li, professor of psychology, linguistics and information science and technology . “Like physical exercise, the more you use specific areas of your brain, the more it grows and gets stronger.”
So here is a little help for all of you that are enjoying with your little ones the fascinating journey of learning an other language.
Nano Tips is a series of short videos with tips on how to incorporate Spanish on your daily routine.
Here is our first one